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Surveys in theoretical high energy physics - 2 : lecture notes from SERC schools

eBook Springer <editore> 2016

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Descrizione *Surveys in theoretical high energy physics - 2 : lecture notes from SERC schools / Raghavan Rangarajan, M. Sivakumar editors. - Singapore : Springer, 2016. - XV, 295 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
ISBN E-Book 978-981-10-2591-4
Collana Texts and Readings in Physical Sciences , 15
Autore secondario
Rangarajan, Raghavan
Sivakumar, Mahesh
Soggetti 00A79 (77-XX) - Physics [MSC 2020]
00B25 - Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest [MSC 2020]
81-XX - Quantum theory [MSC 2020]
81Txx - Quantum field theory; related classical field theories [MSC 2020]
81V05 - Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics [MSC 2020]
81V25 - Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory [MSC 2020]
82D10 - Statistical mechanical studies of plasmas [MSC 2020]
83Fxx - Cosmology [MSC 2020]
Parole chiave Baryogenesis
Gauge Fixing
Green’s Function
Inflationary Universe
Path Integral Method
Phase transitions
QGP Signals
Quark-Gluon Plasma
The Big Bang Universe
Thermal Field Theory
Titolo dell'opera Surveys in Theoretical High Energy Physics - 2
Luogo pubblicazione Singapore
Editori Springer <editore>
Anno pubblicazione 2016
Thesauri 00A79 (77-XX)
Cosmology [MSC 2020]
Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory [MSC 2020]
Physics [MSC 2020]
Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest [MSC 2020]
Quantum field theory; related classical field theories [MSC 2020]
Quantum theory [MSC 2020]
Statistical mechanical studies of plasmas [MSC 2020]
Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics [MSC 2020]