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Twistor theory for Riemannian symmetric spaces : With Applications to Harmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces

Burstall, Francis E.

eBook Springer <editore> 1990

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Descrizione *Twistor theory for Riemannian symmetric spaces : With Applications to Harmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces / Francis E. Burstall, John H. Rawnsley. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 112 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN E-Book 9783540470526
Fa parte di Lecture notes in mathematics , 1424
Primo Autore
Burstall, Francis E.
Autore secondario
Rawnsley, John H.
Parole chiave Differential geometry
Harmonic maps
Minimal Surfaces
Riemannian symmetric spaces
Twistor theory
Luogo pubblicazione Berlin
Editori Springer <editore>
Anno pubblicazione 1990