Dettaglio del documento Condividi Trova il documento in altre risorse ???scheda.servizi.button??? Facebook Divisor theory Edwards, Harold M. eBook Birkhäuser <editore> 1990 Scrivi una recensione e condividila con gli altri lettori. Scheda Links eBook Monografia Descrizione *Divisor theory / Harold M. Edwards. - Boston : Birkhäuser : Springer, 1990. - xiv, 166 p. ; 24 cm ISBN E-Book 9780817649777 Primo Autore Edwards, Harold M. Soggetti 01A55 - History of mathematics in the 19th century [MSC 2020] 12-XX - Field theory and polynomials [MSC 2020] 12E05 - Polynomials in general fields (irreducibility, etc.) [MSC 2020] 13-XX - Commutative algebra [MSC 2020] 13A15 - Ideals and multiplicative ideal theory in commutative rings [MSC 2020] 13B25 - Polynomials over commutative rings [MSC 2020] Parole chiave Algebra Divisor Theory Mathematics Titolo dell'opera Divisor theory Luogo pubblicazione Boston Editori Birkhäuser <editore> Springer <editore> Anno pubblicazione 1990 Thesauri 01A55 12-XX 12E05 13-XX 13A15 13B25 Commutative algebra [MSC 2020] Field theory and polynomials [MSC 2020] History of mathematics in the 19th century [MSC 2020] Ideals and multiplicative ideal theory in commutative rings [MSC 2020] Polynomials in general fields (irreducibility, etc.) [MSC 2020] Polynomials over commutative rings [MSC 2020]