Dettaglio del documento Condividi Trova il documento in altre risorse ???scheda.servizi.button??? Facebook Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique Moeglin, Colette eBook Springer <editore> 1987 Fa parte di Lecture notes in mathematics , 1291 Scrivi una recensione e condividila con gli altri lettori. Scheda Links eBook Monografia Descrizione *Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique / Colette Mœglin, Marie-France Vignéras, Jean-Loup Waldspurger. - Berlin : Springer, 1987. - vii, 163 p. ; 24 cm ISBN E-Book 9783540481027 Fa parte di Lecture notes in mathematics , 1291 Primo Autore Moeglin, Colette Coautore Vignéras, Marie-France Waldspurger, Jean-Loup Soggetti 11-XX - Number theory [MSC 2020] 11F33 - Congruences for modular and $p$-adic modular forms [MSC 2020] 11F70 - Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields [MSC 2020] 11S40 - Zeta functions and $L$-functions [MSC 2020] 22-XX - Topological groups, Lie groups [MSC 2020] 22E50 - Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields [MSC 2020] Parole chiave Group theory Lie groups Number theory Topological groups Luogo pubblicazione Berlin Editori Springer <editore> Anno pubblicazione 1987 Thesauri 11-XX 11F33 11F70 11S40 22-XX 22E50 Congruences for modular and $p$-adic modular forms [MSC 2020] Number theory [MSC 2020] Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields [MSC 2020] Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields [MSC 2020] Topological groups, Lie groups [MSC 2020] Zeta functions and $L$-functions [MSC 2020]